Awesome shots
DAVID B. HICKS(non-registered)
I loved the hot air balloons. For my wife's birthday, we did a sunrise balloon flight. We met another couple doing a balloon flight right next to ours so we shared information and we took pictures of each other inflight. We have some great pics. I have been doing photography my whole life and have so many great shots but I am not as organized as you. This past couple of years we traveled quite a lot. We went to Montana and Wyoming. Then to New England for the foliage. We have just returned from Norway and Iceland. So many images to go through. I will be back to spend more time in your Facebook. David
The wife(non-registered)
I always love to see the slideshows how the family grows from three to four and the personalities expressed. Thank you for sharing glimpses of those bright eyes.
Joe Woodbury(non-registered)
I hope you and your family are well.
Tami Williamson(non-registered)
Beautiful photos Dave!
hi great pictures
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